Attila total war ancient empires
Attila total war ancient empires

Installing the Ancient Empires Mod for Total War: Attila There's been a lot of comments on my last video about how to install the Ancient Empires mod for Total War: Attila. Link to Seleucid kingdom playlist : /watch?v=RhGba0kVZmk&list=PLu3YBlRSl7xWkpc1cmK803tQ38VwAQhCaĬarthage campaign playlist : /watch?v=TWIY7iQXJyw&list=PLu3YBlRSl7xVH4AhKZaKZ-Gnvw7Zh_WE2 How to build a stable economy in the Ancient empires mod - Total War : Attila If you enjoy the video please a like and if you have not jet subscribe please do, to show your support to the channel and help me reach my 500 subcriber goal.

attila total war ancient empires

you can play the test version of this mod right now over on the mods discord - This update will be made public on the 1st of march. This update adds in 22 new factions, 100s of new units, new maps reworks and so much more. Total War Ancient Empires 2.0 MASSIVE UPDATE Total War Ancient Empires 2.0 is a new massive update to the Total War Atilla mod. This is Ancient Empires! So let's jump in and discuss this mod! Is it any good?! Let's find out.

attila total war ancient empires

This mod takes Attila back in time into the classical period right to the year 202BC on the eve of the battle of Zama, the battle that decided the 2nd Punic War.

attila total war ancient empires

Do you like the Classical Period?! Yes?! Then here is Ancient Empires!! Rome II, but better! What is Ancient Empires! - Attila: Total War Mod!♠ Hello ladies and gents today we're taking look at another TW:Attila mod. You can find a link to the forum for Ancient Empires, downloads, and the Discord through this link here: /forums/forumdisplay.php?2095-Ancient-Empires-(AE) Is it better than Rome 2? Let's find out.

attila total war ancient empires

Please Thumbs Up, leave Comments/Suggestions on my video below, and Subscribe to my.Ī Review of Ancient Empires (Mod for Total War Attila) Ancient Empires for Total War Attila is a Roman era mod that begins in 202BC right at the same time as the Battle of Zama between Rome and Hannibal of Carthage. Want to support the channel? Take a look at my Patreon: /hforhavoc There's several factors at play during the entire campaign, and this video is geared to helping you understand those factors to make sure you don't go bankrupt! Money Management as Roman Republic | Ancient Empires Mod for Total War: Attila Money Management in Ancient Empire is one of the more complex aspects of the mod.

Attila total war ancient empires